
Showing posts from 2021

Christmas surprise

Package from Mary-ann Smith, decided to wait and open Christmas day. What a surprise. 2 full skeins of her famous sock yarn in colors I didn't have, and 8 mini skeins approx. 70 yards each. Then a zip lock bag of odds and sods, balls that were more than needed for her project. But perfect for me, and the colour work I do. Thank you Mary-ann. The pkg. from the brother and SIL from VA was also a real bonus, 2 Bruce Springsteen CD's and a 2 lb bag of AllSorts licrorice candy. Had Bruce on the stereo and AllSorts for breakfast. About the only candy I like. Got a good 18 inches of snow on the 22nd, and several inches more since. Troy plowed my driveway yesterday with the big John Deere. In the mess on the 22nd the propane truck came down the driveway, first deleivery since December, 2020, needless to say I was delighted to see the truck. Have finished the first sock of second pair going to Kaslo, BC. Started second sock straight away. Then needing two 16 inch #2.25 needles t


Made the first pair of two that were ordered last summer, then things got in the way to get them mailed. But they are gone now and delivered to Kaslo, BC, and from what I hear from the gal that ordered them very well recieved. The first pair were for the man of the pair, guess his lady put them on and didn't want to take them off. Pix above is the second pair for her and will make them a tad smaller as per request of the orderer. Am using a Cascade Heritage wool - silk mix and was getting a bit concerned that I would have enuff of the main colour (ladies size 11) so went online and found a place (Simply Socks in Ft. Wayne, Ind.)that carried the wool - silk mix. Am sure dye lots are different but so close colour wise that I think I'll getaway with using it if needed. Pix shows the new skein along side of what I'm now using. The white yarn showing up is just my way of counting rows. An arctic blast is on the way, supposed to get below zero F early this coming week. Am gla

Soup weather

Tonight predicted low is 16 °F (-9°C). Started a soup pot, frozen rotiessiere chicken carcass, will after carcass comes out of the pot And everything is deboned, add the chicken meat add lots of finely chopped celery and carrots will use homemade egg noodles instead of rice this go round. Making enuff for several suppers. My four most hated words in the English language are 'BLACK FRIDAY' (I will never buy anything when those words are used) and the other two are 'YOU KNOW'. Almost every commercial on TV from now on using BF will get shut off. Over used for almost everything being sold. Most all of yesterday had snow squalls, with a strong wond blowing the snow that went by here landed 10 miles up the valley. Niut Mountains with the Homathko river running thru my neighbours place.

Life in the slow lane

Not much happening in my life right now, staying indoors and warm is number one priority. I am still knitting socks just not as much as I did before medical issues late summer. These were knit for the Monstersockkal2021 from 15 Sept. to 15 Oct. I'd been saving a bowl full of little bits, to good to chuck and barely enuff for a pattern n a sock. Along came the KAL just when I needed it Late summer I had a few medical issues the anathesia screwed up the brain talking to fingers. The first post op sock had loads of small mistakes in the peerie patterns. The secong much better. But was I ever glad to have them finished. Next will be all my WIP, a pair of fatties from the Monstersock list, then a pair of variegateld greens, after both these will go to pair of gloves I started this time last year. Meanwhile I'm pretty much back to almost normal behavior, some days I cook and sometimes I don't. Laundry is still a bugger, but slowly getting caught up.


Joined in a Monstersockkal2021, it got underway on 15 September and will finish October 15. Hoping to have my pair finished in time. I had the small bowl full of short bits leftover from other projects. All at least a yard long, some a good bit longer than 36 inches, to good to get rid of, so the Kal started at just the right time. I used the gray for the inbetween colour and then 3 solid colours, gray and then 3 variegated colours, will continue all the way to the toe. So far its coming out better than I thought it would. This pix is my favourite on the drive to Tatla Lake (which it seems like I do at least once a week). Mullein is supposed to be good for several things none of which I have tried. I just like seeing it. Have had a few nights well below 0° C and rain at same time means white mountains. My favourite time of the year.

This and That

Had two major surgeries between the end of July and 1st of September, now feeling better every day. And now know that all is right, tried spinning wheel this morning and I haven't forgot how. Will gradually work up to my usual schedule of spinning in the morning for 45 minutes. Most unusual season this year, way to hot for June July and first part of August, no rain to speak of so fire hazard in most of BC was extreme and I only saw 3 black bears in my yard all season. This was a youngest black just cruising thru the yard. I am calling these my anesthesia socks for all the small colour pattern mistakes, knitting after anesthesia for me is dynomite, fingers don't do what I want them to. Hopeing now is back to normal, socks will definitely not match so will stay in my sock drawer.

Long time gone

Had a bit of surgery on 27th July, turned out to be more than I expected. But am home now and slowly resuming a normal schedule, sorta. Still haven't tried my spinning wheel it will be next in my list of progressions. I did take my knitting with me when I went into Williams Lake, was a few days after getting out before stitches made sense. but progressing now, down to the heel. When I first started them had planned to just use shades of light variegated blues, but towards the middle changed my mind as often happens) added the variegated pattern right in the middle, liked it so left it. Nothing else new in my wild mountain valley, a few deer here and there, nothing else showing up. We are due for another stretch of hot weather, not at all welcome after the fire season BC has had, believe there are still over 200 active fires in province, with the worse of them being in Kamloops and Okanganan areas. There was a small fire up on potato Mountain while I was gone but forest servic

Hot and Sweaty

With temps several days close to 100°F, (39°C), I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life, take an almost cold shower just before going to bed, it helps for about 5 minutes. Now at just after 10:30 am I'm on my second bottle of water, 1L each. Have two more in fridge for later. Have finally finished the first pair going to Kaslo, the ladies pair will be next. Also size 11, lots of knitting. Neighbour Len came on his quad with brush hog and knocked down my whole yard weeds and all. The Dalmation toadflax in places was almost 2 feet high, flowering but not gone yet to seed. The crows now having a ball going after grasshoppers. It looks ever so much better and fire hazard down as well. Neighbours to the south have had a visiting grizzly, I havent seen a bear in my yard (YET).

Life in the slow lane

Nothing much to talk about so best to remain silent (and I'm good for that). Second mans sock size 11 is about 24 rows down foot, all one colour so progress doesn't really show up. Nothing else will be worked on until it is finished. Looking for something I came across my bag of Koigu yarn, with one glove started (and I even could remember what came next), so once the mans sock is finished will work on the Koigu glove. Not a single bear in my yard (yet) but a grizzly is hanging around Tatla Lake, its found a couple of compost piles and thoroughly enjoyed same. 6am this morning Tatlako was coldest spot in BC at +3.7°C, since I had left 3 windows open all night the house was a bit cool (and it felt really good). Saturday is supposed to be the hottest so far for June at +35°C (95°F), I don't like temps that warm, usually stand in cool shower just before going to bed. At least it does cool off over night. Got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine last Thursday, just a

This and That

Sorry for the long absence, with not much to write about I just don't. Finished the first sock of the pair going to Kaslo, BC, mens size 11. Seems to have taken way longer than it should have, my fault tho as I had several other projects I was working on as well. Finally decided to put everything else in time out and finish the pair. Second sock well along, into third pattern on the leg. Once second sock is done will immediately start the pair for the lady of the same house, also size 11 foot. Late last winter I gave a bunch of handspun odds and sods to Christine, she dealth with same way better than I would have. Made herself a cardigan don't believe she ever uses a pattern, just knits until done. She still has a pretty good sized bag left to work on, am sure something will come of it. Meanwhile spring damage to Hiway 20 the main east west artery to the coast and or Williams Lake. My last trip to town I counted 20 real bad marked spots and prolly another 12 or more place


Finished the second all variegated socks for Miss E, used up a bunch of small balls and still have enuff to maybe someday down the road make myself a pair. Have two other pair for her as well for next year and year after, made for M but her feet grew so fast that no way will they now fit. So Alisha said she would be happy to put them away until E grows into them. Progress on first of the second pair of greenies, they had been in time out while I finished the variegated pair. Heel is now turned and decreasing for the gusset. Like these even better than the first greenie pair. I unfortunately have to go to town tomorrow, just a week since I was in. Lost front tooth right in front of denture. Road is a nightmare, 30+ slow spots with broken pavement and frost heaves. Some places no faster than 10 mph. Since I was just in only need a few cucumbers.


My close by nesting geese are back, they both did a fly over just before 5 am, whatever spooked them they were very vocal. I sat up in bed thinking someone was at my back door, soon realized it was just geese. Could not fall back asleep. The view this morning from my back porch, looking south-west towards Niut Mountains. After 45 years have never got tired of looking that way Went thru all my tote bags last night thinking I had more projects on the go than I am comfortable with, not. Just two a pair for a man in Kaslo, BC and the green-y pair I started right after finishing pair #1. First pix is of the socks with all the greens I've used so far. Second pix of a possible add of the turq and two blues to the mix, just one pattern then back to just the greens. What say my peeps.

I haz the shot

Out yesterday to get the vaccine, so far so good. Just a bit sore at the injection spot. And am ever so grateful for finally having my number called. Much to write about almost all about socks. I save almost every bit of leftover yarns and sooner or later put it in socks somewhere. Long being a fan of greens I finally made myself a pair of green Monstersocks. I easily have enuff still left to make another pair. Miss M that I have been making odd socks for for the last 5-6 years has gone thru a real growth spurt from a 5-6 in early fall to almost an 8, so last two pair of socks will have to go someplace else. And waiting in the wings is Miss E, will be a bit before these fit but her Mom will store until the time comes. Road to Tatla pretty well dry, a few damp spots and lots of frost heaves makes going slow. And was delighted to find my driveway completely snow and mud free. Also working on first of two pair going to Kaslo, mens size 11, followed by ladies size 11, glad I ha

Reach in the jar socks

I'd been putting lots of small balls sock yarn into a gallon jar for quite some time, mostly to keep spiders from wanting in there. Finally decided to do something with them (I used to give them away, no more). I had jar on the floor and just reached and grabbed a small ball, knit with whatever I had grabbed. Think I only complete;y used up 5-6 balls and the rest bred overnight. Jar looks about as full when I started. Easily enuff for prolly two more pair especially if I use a solid colour for the top, heels and toes. Next pair (ordered) with be medium gray KPicks Hawthorne with white, dark greens and several other manly colours. Temps finally warming up from -35°C to just -9° this morning (16°F). Have had most of the winters snow in late January and Feb., so much so that for the first time this year I had my driveway and yard plowed.

This and That

Started these socks the morning of the inauguration, got 22 rows ribbing done before the swearing in of Joe Biden, continuing working on them along with another pair, finishing the inauguration socks last night. Now onto the real Monstersocks (grab a colour withut looking from jar), first sock done and about 20 rows past ribbing on #2. I am sure I have enuff of the mixed blue stuff for at least another pair, but not in immediate plans. Want to finished the Monstersock then go to a light gray with other manly colours (not yet decided) in a mans size 11, that will take sone time. The real Monstersocks Starting tonight Tatlako is due for a prolonged blast of arctic air, with coldest night Wednesday at -38 C or 35° F below zero. In preparation for colder stuff I flipped the comforter on my bed, now have heavist amount of down on side I sleep on. The price I pay for the glorius mountain views. Just saw the big grader heading south clearing the 8 plus inches of snow off the roa

More sock stuff

Inaugration socks. Started watching as soon as anything was on MSNBC this morning, cast on 72 stitches on 2.25 needles and got 22 rows of 2x2 ribbing done before the swearing in ceremony. They will be forever know as the Inaugration socks. Blues followed by greens, have enuff of both colours to finish the pair. Second pix is the mostly odds and sods of leftover sock yarn, only colour from a new skein will be the biggest ball of green. The two pair for almost local girls, first pair for Maela 10 and second for Everlee 6. Yesterday made a medium sized pot of lentil soup, enuff for last nights supper and today (just in case anything exciting happened at inauguration). Everything went smoothly and it was a class act al the way. Welcome Joe and Kamala.

All is Well

Up early again this morning to my local chorus of singing coyotes. They must have a den fairly close by judging by the morning I hear them. Miss E 6+ yrs got socks from me again. In return the GrandMother picks up my trash and takes to dump. Another couple of pair for Maela, she got the kid mohair stuffed pr, took a bit of time to figure out how to get them on, but I think once worn the mohair to sort of felt in place (or so I hope). The pair on top in pix are the kid mohair stuffed. Then two pair for my SIL in Va., she wears them to bed in winter months. Its been a relatively mild winter so far, two dumps of noticable snow in November and early December, thats been pretty much it. So far (knock on wood) hasn't even been arctic air cold, usually at least once a winter we get a stretch of -30°C, not yet. I'm staying home and only going to town for groceries when I'm out of basic stuff, maybe every 2-3 months. Biggest minor problem is needing a haircut, last one was in