Sock Stuff
Finished the socks that had been in timeout. Briefly thinking that my sock knitting had hit a wall, for overnight didn't have a clue what I wanted to do next, but with yesterdays knitting bee coming up knew I had to start something. So a ball of a dark gray Opal, many leftovers bits of greens (variegated and solid), then same in blues. So far so good, may end up being another pair to add to my stash. For some strange reason socks that are almost 10 years old are getting a bit thin on the bottom. Went to Tatla yesterday for blood letting (INR), then carried on to knitting bee where I finally delivered in person to Andrea the socks that I so struggled to finish. Much blood sweat and even tears at times. All the places where I crossed the river (twice) and Crazy Creek (once) were very high, so far both seem to behaving, but today's high temps (+27° C) may encourage more melting in the high country. As long as both stay away from the road will keep me ha