
Showing posts from June, 2012

Boring (NOT)

Someone emailed me this morning and said she thought my life and where I live had to be the most boring place ever. This from a person that lives in an apartment with plywood walls, rides the train 90 minutes each way to work, has 2 kids that are off the wall (9 and 13) and management just found a body 2 floors below hers, she thinks my life and where I live are boring. I don't think so. Wouldn't trade any part of hers for 5 minutes of mine. Saw a big black bear yesterday but in the trees and bushes, no place to try and get a pix. Bear sightings are way down this year, last year by the end of June had seen at least 30, only 5 so far this year. Lorelee rode her bike here yesterday and reported a big grizzly in what we used to call the upper east field, just grazing on whatever is growing up there. Working on another pair of scrap socks, the 5 row scrappers. Waiting for one more ball to arrive for the wild & crazies for Toni. And Melody send me a handspun shawlette, patte

Car troubles

Went to knitting bee on Wednesday and all the way was wishing I could have stayed home, after kb on way home had car troubles just a tad out of downtown Tatla Lake. Opened hood and found loads of the hood insulation (pack rat or ?), also a wire chewed apart from alternator to? First person that stopped had a sat phone and called BCAA for me, tow truck had to come from Riske Creek 2+ hours away. Finally a bit after 4pm truck arrived with big trailer to load car on, with me planning on going in with tow truck except first step up was at about my waist, driver helped and thus began one of the roughest rides ever into town. Took car to Downtown Service when a friends husband is the journeyman mechanic, Denise (her husband) met me there and we went up to her place for me to stay overnight. Insulation cleaned out and Len said about 5 pounds mouse or pack rat sh** also removed. Alternator was toast and one had to come from Kamloops so ended up 2 nights in town with nothing but basic knitting

More sock stuff

Finished the 'brain fog has lifted' pair last night and took care of the ends this morning in the brighter light. I use an old Revlon cuticle remover to shag the ends, first I separate the 4 ply yarn then slide tool up and down until end is really shagged then do the same with each of the other singles, trying to make it so each end is a different length than the others. Takes longer fer sure than just cutting the ends but hopefully will prevent ends from showing up on the right side. Yarn for the next pair is slowly getting figured out, the lime green will be the main color and then every wild & crazy color I can find to go with, some I ordinarily wouldn't try and put together but Toni wants wild, yeah I can do that. Haven't talked to a real live body now in several days so have no idea if anything new and excitingly different is going on in my wild mountain valley, really don't mind figuring I can't get myself in trouble if I don't open the mouth

Kitchen adventures

Macaroni cooked, 4 c celery, chopped into small pieces, old cheddar in more small pieces, eggs cooling, dressing made (mayo, yogurt, dill, garlic salt and pepper), will all come together soon for a late lunch and then supper. Mac salad was my Mothers favorite food and I am sure she ate close to her weight every year, any time I was there that was the first thing she asked me to make. I usually make a batch on Mother's Day every year in her honor but hospital visit cancelled that this year. Ribbing and first large pattern done on 2nd sock, can only work on it during daylight hours, some of the patterns are close to being the most intricate I've ever done. Once sun sets start working on other things. Already lining up more bits of leftovers for next pair and as soon as the lime green gets here will start on socks for Toni. Didn't go to knitting bee this week, thinking about skipping every other week, 20 miles each way ads up to large gas bill in a month.

One sock done

Think I will call this pair 'the brain fog has lifted', first few days after getting home from hospital-surgery trip no way would fingers do what the brain was telling them to do. Finally everything is back working the way it should. Cast on right away for sock #2 will I think change some of the colors around (jest a bit), keeps my interest up & going this way. Frost again this morning, but now at almost 3 pm its sunny and warm, enuff so that windows are open in wool room. Not much else new and excitingly different in my world, quiet and peaceful just the way I like it.

Heli pix

Braved the quick & dirty trip to town yesterday, I only drove the first hour then turned car over to Lorelee. First stop was Wally World where I did most of my grocery shopping, big store and was a good bit more walking than I was ready for. Then we went downtown and had lunch, followed by a much needed haircut. Then met up with L at SaveOn and that was over limit, really ran out of power about then. But got produce to last a while, Romaine, lg box of mixed organic spring greens, celery, mini sweet peppers, lettuce, carrots, cucumbers only didn't get cabbage (didn't look so hot) and cauliflower. I did let L drive all the way home. Got the pix of the heli in my yard on May 12th, then a quick 45 minute flight to Williams Lake where ambulance met us at the heli pad for 5 minute drive down to hosp. Current sock is within striking distance of the toe, if I can stay awake today hope to get there.

Still cool enuff for woolies

Froze pretty good yesterday morning, -3.3° C (26 °F) at just before 7 am, not nice in June. No frost last night but still cool enuff this morning that I have electric heat on and sitting at puter wearing woolies all around. Sun just came thru heavy cloud cover so it might warm up soon. Current sock is in time out, couldn't make up my mind (what little is left) on what colors I wanted to use next. Will go on hunt for something that will fit in soon. When all my bags of leftover bits got moved, means nothing is where I thought it should be. But its now all in wool room and off the floor of living room, while not quite up to hoarder status was getting close to qualifying. When DR was here on the 12th (he sorta fills a room) L quickly moved stuff out of his way, then to wool room. Now kind of like Christmas finding stuff I had forgot about, and am moving small bits to a knitting bee sock knitter. And have been seriously thinking about getting back to mitered sq blankie. L is suppos