
My close by nesting geese are back, they both did a fly over just before 5 am, whatever spooked them they were very vocal. I sat up in bed thinking someone was at my back door, soon realized it was just geese. Could not fall back asleep. The view this morning from my back porch, looking south-west towards Niut Mountains. After 45 years have never got tired of looking that way
Went thru all my tote bags last night thinking I had more projects on the go than I am comfortable with, not. Just two a pair for a man in Kaslo, BC and the green-y pair I started right after finishing pair #1. First pix is of the socks with all the greens I've used so far.
Second pix of a possible add of the turq and two blues to the mix, just one pattern then back to just the greens. What say my peeps.


  1. I think the blues added in pattern will look great!

  2. We live on a 5 acre lake, and the geese come here to visit from the water ski school, a few miles west. We've decided one goose is assigned to honk out the travelogue, because they never fly without one. I don't hear overhead jets, but the geese get me every time!

  3. I like all the blues except maybe the palest one. Not sure; might look great, but I do kind of have a reservation about that one. Maybe depending on where it is (between the 2 other blues as in the picture?).

    We don't have geese here but there's a dove who enjoys sitting on our roof and cooing at top of voice down the chimney, causing my cats great distress (because they want to eat it?).

    1. Before I read your comment, had already gone ahead with the blue-turquoise. I didn’t think the lighter blue worked either so left it out. Just took a pix but can’t seem to find a way to include.

  4. What an amazing view! We have a hoodie crow visit our garden every morning. We think he's checking to see if blackbirds are building a nest yet.

  5. We have lots of geese, all around town, and they make the biggest mess! And they will make a nest in the most unusual places, like under a tree in a shopping center parking lot. It is against the law to injure or kill one and it isn't unusual for traffic to stop in both directions while a pair (or a whole flock) casually cross the road. Love the greens. Be sure to post a pic when you are finished.

  6. I can't imagine seeing that view everyday. Incredible!

  7. Being close to Lake Ontario we have geese everywhere. They are as big as my dog but she still manages to make them nervous. Love your view!

    I'm glad you decided not to include the light blue but I like the rest of the colors.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful picture of the mountains. I am always interested in your scenery and wildlife.


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