Another pair of Monstersocks

Finished this pair last night while watching MI get their bunnies beat by Kansas, Brady 'the Joke' Hokey has to go. But at least the knitting went well. Did 10 rows on this pair and 10 rows on knee socks, first of that pair should be finished in next day or so. If you can take a look at the difference between top and bottom of foot, patterns slightly different. Have had turkey for lunch and supper since Christmas, enuff, tomorrow the leftovers are going into the soup pot, much easier to eat turkey noodle soup until its gone. Will try to never buy another turkey breast so big. Enuff left tho that it will be a good batch of soup. Weather continues on mild side, whats starting to look scary tho is lack of snow. Unless we get a whole lot in Jan & Feb will be a long dry summer, scary for fires.