This and That

Sorry for the long absence, with not much to write about I just don't. Finished the first sock of the pair going to Kaslo, BC, mens size 11. Seems to have taken way longer than it should have, my fault tho as I had several other projects I was working on as well. Finally decided to put everything else in time out and finish the pair. Second sock well along, into third pattern on the leg. Once second sock is done will immediately start the pair for the lady of the same house, also size 11 foot.
Late last winter I gave a bunch of handspun odds and sods to Christine, she dealth with same way better than I would have. Made herself a cardigan don't believe she ever uses a pattern, just knits until done. She still has a pretty good sized bag left to work on, am sure something will come of it.
Meanwhile spring damage to Hiway 20 the main east west artery to the coast and or Williams Lake. My last trip to town I counted 20 real bad marked spots and prolly another 12 or more place that should have had maker on them. Takes and extra 30 minutes to make the drive to town. Hiways (Dawson) is doing the best they can with so much broken pavement (frost heaves). They work on one bad spot at a time and then move on to the next, meanwhile more on popping up right behind first finished spot. Most of the bad spots are barely paasable, down to just creeping around them. I am glad I have high clearance with my Subaru Forester.
Night before last with still cold at night temps 3° C i didn't nuke my rice bag and had cold feet, last night I made sure that I had it in bed to warm up the bottom of my bed, again 3° C, slept much more comfortable. Tonights low is forecast to be 0° C (32° F). Could shut bedroom window but then I wouldn't hear the geese flying over the house between 3 and 5 in the morning.


  1. That road really looks quite bad!! Must be a night mare to drive on. Like the socks! The white brings out the colors. It's wet and chilly around here today, with 30 to 40 mile an hour winds. Happy Memorial Day!! Take care!!

  2. That's a pretty spiffy cardi your pal Christine made!! Nice & warm in handspun, that's for sure. I like the new sock even though there's no pink, purple or red in it!! And your roads are really awful . . . I sure won't complain about ours anymore!!

  3. The cardigan is beautiful. So are the socks you made.

  4. I always enjoy your posts. Those socks are singing to me and the cardigan, just WOW

  5. Love that sock! Wow...the road damage is amazing. Gosh by the time they get things fixed it will be winter again!

  6. I guess road repair would be a good line of work to get into out your way. Size 11 socks are like a ham and two people: takes forever to finish


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