
Finished the second all variegated socks for Miss E, used up a bunch of small balls and still have enuff to maybe someday down the road make myself a pair. Have two other pair for her as well for next year and year after, made for M but her feet grew so fast that no way will they now fit. So Alisha said she would be happy to put them away until E grows into them.
Progress on first of the second pair of greenies, they had been in time out while I finished the variegated pair. Heel is now turned and decreasing for the gusset. Like these even better than the first greenie pair.
I unfortunately have to go to town tomorrow, just a week since I was in. Lost front tooth right in front of denture. Road is a nightmare, 30+ slow spots with broken pavement and frost heaves. Some places no faster than 10 mph. Since I was just in only need a few cucumbers.


  1. I like the green pair your working now too! The mix of colors are nice. Sorry about your tooth! What a pain in the neck. Winter sure does mess up the roads. Take care!

  2. I like the lighter blue color in with the greens. I understand the dental woes. Just had a root canal and crown done. Such an inconvenience!


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