
Showing posts from June, 2019

Pt 2

Couldn’t get blogger to work to add anything to first post. In between Vicki’s socks working on striped pair of shorties, once second sock is done will work on the dk green with turquoise pair. Second pix shows sock inside out, I try and keep inside as neat as I can. Had quite a storm blow thru here on Wednesday, thunder and lightning, power pole about 2 or 3 in on the West Branch road got zapped, fried to a crisp, then a couple of days later a fir tree just a bit south of the old mill site here in Tatlayoko just zapped and started a small fire, the Tatlayoko fire cache got right on it and pretty well had it contained before forest service showed up. Have had enuff  of thunderman and lightfoot for the rest of the summer.

Soup weather again

Into our fourth day of rain, after a few scares we are loving the rain. Just a bit cool so ham bone (small) simmered for two hours, split peas, onion, and grated carrot now simmering. Haven’t had any pea soup in some time and it’s a favourite. Watching World Cup soccer and knitting on Vicki’s second sock, they will be fraternal. So far am really enjoying the wild colours.

Down and Dirty

Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I tried the D&D trip to town, left 7:30 am, in town just after 10:30 am, eating a cheese sandwich on the road. First thing I did was go to the government bldg. to pay my property taxes, then to the bank to get some cash, Staples to get a new computer mouse (hate the track pad), then to Mickey D's for an iced coffee, SaveOn for a few groceries and prescription refills (main reason for going in, was out of Eliquis), then got gas. Almost 3 hours running around, left town 1:30, home just before 4:30. Only 2 bags groceries and knitting bag to come into house, good thing as mozzies are fierce. If I had more stuff to do in town would have likely stayed overnight somewhere. Today tho feel pretty wiped out. Used to do the in and out in one day all the time but that was more than a few years ago (I was younger). And Friday my CA passport arrived so am OK to now cross the line into the states. Brought the car instruction books in this 


Yesterdays knitting bee saw me working on Vicki's socks, orange with all the bright colours I could find, so far so good. All tho the hot pink doesn't show up against the orange as much as I thought it would. Will have them done in time to take with when I go down to conference in late July, will be seeing Vicki then so can make sure of fit etc. If anyone is interested a pix of the new Subie Forrester I bought when down at the coast. The car is now officially christened, yesterdays trip to KB saw lots of fresh cow sh** on the roads, impossible to avoid it all. Temp this morning at just after 6 am was -1.6 ° C, frost, not unusual for early June. And likely again with forecast of 0° showing on environment Canada's forecast page,  prolly means -2° or -3°C in here. Hope not to many gardeners have anything showing up and if the do they can cover the tender new stuff. Even had heat on in the house until sun came in over east mountains. Have had some rain in the last whil