More sock stuff
During the arctic outflow conditions January 12 thru the 18th I finally wore the handspun socks I made for the Sock Summit 2009. Had thought I would just keep them as a long ago memory but when temps hit into the 30° below zero F range decided warm feet were far more important than memories. Will wash in Eucalan and put away for another brutal arctic blast. Friends Gail Dickson, Val Saadatmandi and Vicki Robinson met at St Distaff spinning day in Monroe, WA., and that day they all had on socks that I had made. Very much liked seeing the pix. Vicki in the orangerinos, Gail in the hot pink and Val in the multi colored with black stripes. The current socks are for Jean in Oregon, first sock is finished, second sock almost to the heel, she wanted identical, knew that was going to be a chore for me, came close. After starting last pattern sequence I discovered that I was missing two rows in pattern number four. Would have been close to 20 rows to go back with sometimes four colours in