All is Well

Up early again this morning to my local chorus of singing coyotes. They must have a den fairly close by judging by the morning I hear them. Miss E 6+ yrs got socks from me again. In return the GrandMother picks up my trash and takes to dump.
Another couple of pair for Maela, she got the kid mohair stuffed pr, took a bit of time to figure out how to get them on, but I think once worn the mohair to sort of felt in place (or so I hope). The pair on top in pix are the kid mohair stuffed.
Then two pair for my SIL in Va., she wears them to bed in winter months.
Its been a relatively mild winter so far, two dumps of noticable snow in November and early December, thats been pretty much it. So far (knock on wood) hasn't even been arctic air cold, usually at least once a winter we get a stretch of -30°C, not yet. I'm staying home and only going to town for groceries when I'm out of basic stuff, maybe every 2-3 months. Biggest minor problem is needing a haircut, last one was in mid September so right now its prolly the longest its been in many, many years.


  1. I'm glad the winter has been mild for you. I live in central Texas and we had 2 1/2 inches of snow Sunday and at 4 this morning the temp was 28F. This would all be mild to you but to us, not so much! I grew up in snow country but had hoped to avoid snow forever more. People in Texas don't know how to drive, or even walk, in snow and ice. Hope you continue mild until spring.

  2. The socks turned out nice ! Talk about hair cuts, I finally got one after 10 months. It sure felt good to get it short again. I think most of us are staying close to home!! Stay safe!

  3. Kid's socks are so much fun to make!! Your recipients are growing up quickly too. No snow in Surrey at all but then we generally get it for Valentine's Day most years if we get any at all. It tends to stay on the mountains where it belongs.


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