
Showing posts from February, 2024

Gloves and such

In 2015 I sent Jean Miles in  Edinburgh a surprise pair of the gloves I'd been working on while rereading her blogs, first pix one taken at her place. Second taken while dressed in woolies to go on an recent outing.                       Orangerinos all finished waiting for a dip thru a Eucalan bath.  Current pair started with a base colour of turquoise, leftover Koigu choices are getting a bit thinner but still have enuff to finish this pair. When I first started saving Koigu it could be had for $9 a skein, now  I believe its over $16 US (means almost $21 Canadian, plus crazy post from wherever it comes from). Also have socks on needles, this is one of the last pair ordered (ahem a couple of years ago), no pix yet as I believe they are to be a surprise. For the most part this winter has  been verra mild, right now there isn't any snow, none. According to weather peoples we are due for another blast of arctic air next week. Yesterdays temps set records al over BC, it was 10.9