
Showing posts from September, 2021


Joined in a Monstersockkal2021, it got underway on 15 September and will finish October 15. Hoping to have my pair finished in time. I had the small bowl full of short bits leftover from other projects. All at least a yard long, some a good bit longer than 36 inches, to good to get rid of, so the Kal started at just the right time. I used the gray for the inbetween colour and then 3 solid colours, gray and then 3 variegated colours, will continue all the way to the toe. So far its coming out better than I thought it would. This pix is my favourite on the drive to Tatla Lake (which it seems like I do at least once a week). Mullein is supposed to be good for several things none of which I have tried. I just like seeing it. Have had a few nights well below 0° C and rain at same time means white mountains. My favourite time of the year.

This and That

Had two major surgeries between the end of July and 1st of September, now feeling better every day. And now know that all is right, tried spinning wheel this morning and I haven't forgot how. Will gradually work up to my usual schedule of spinning in the morning for 45 minutes. Most unusual season this year, way to hot for June July and first part of August, no rain to speak of so fire hazard in most of BC was extreme and I only saw 3 black bears in my yard all season. This was a youngest black just cruising thru the yard. I am calling these my anesthesia socks for all the small colour pattern mistakes, knitting after anesthesia for me is dynomite, fingers don't do what I want them to. Hopeing now is back to normal, socks will definitely not match so will stay in my sock drawer.