Fiber Fusion road trip
On my way south had coffee with Kristie and Lynda from Cultus Lake area, we met at Tim Horton's in Chilliwack for show & tell. Was a good visit and of course not near long enuff. And we won't get to do it again until next spring, I'll be heading south for my annual Whidbey Island spin in run. Trip down to Monroe, WA for FF, it was Saturday and Sunday 17-18 October. This was my first time at FF and I was really impressed with both the size and how smooth events ran. Was way bigger than I thought, lots of new to me vendors, demo's and a food truck right outside the door with fried brussel sprouts with a lime dressing, wonderbar. Ran into an old friend Val from Seattle area there, she flew by on Saturday and came back with her wheel on Sunday. Pix of Gail, Val and me. Had my knitting with me and took enuff yarn that I easily could make 5 or 6 pair of socks, never ever want to be anywhere with not enuff. Did finish the second sock of 2nd pair for JR on Vancouver I