
Showing posts from June, 2024

This and That

 Went down to Merritt over Victoria  Day  long weekend for the Nicola Valley  spinning retreat. As  usual a good  time. Roomed again  with  Gail and Vicki. This  falls   retreat is  a  bit up  in  the air the  Merritt community centers rooms  we used have upped their rates, to high for our small group to afford.  Shelia  is checking the  area for another palace to meet. Vicki returned  all my socks she had tried  to sell in Hedley area, prices to high for that  market. So I  spread them all out on one of the circle tables for display, ended up selling one pair and a pair of bed socks. The  Thursday  after getting  home from Merritt Dr. Rob in Tatla removed the rest of the bumps from my right arm, slowed me down a bit.  So for now all removed from right arm, where they will show up next is any ones guess. So far this  summer we in Tatlako have  been blessed with  enuff rain to keep the valley green.  It had been predicted to be an  extremely dry  summer and  has  been  in  other  parts