Reach in the jar socks

I'd been putting lots of small balls sock yarn into a gallon jar for quite some time, mostly to keep spiders from wanting in there. Finally decided to do something with them (I used to give them away, no more). I had jar on the floor and just reached and grabbed a small ball, knit with whatever I had grabbed. Think I only complete;y used up 5-6 balls and the rest bred overnight. Jar looks about as full when I started. Easily enuff for prolly two more pair especially if I use a solid colour for the top, heels and toes. Next pair (ordered) with be medium gray KPicks Hawthorne with white, dark greens and several other manly colours. Temps finally warming up from -35°C to just -9° this morning (16°F). Have had most of the winters snow in late January and Feb., so much so that for the first time this year I had my driveway and yard plowed.


  1. Unbelievably, southern Louisiana had a morning temperature of 16 F this morning. Our courtyard has been covered in ice since yesterday morning. It's a good thing yesterday was Presidents' Day, a postal holiday - neither of us could have safely made it to the mailbox!

  2. Good way to use up the left over sock yarn. Only downfall is sewing in the ends. The socks turned out nice!! We've had a lot of cold weather here also. xo


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