Christmas surprise

Package from Mary-ann Smith, decided to wait and open Christmas day. What a surprise. 2 full skeins of her famous sock yarn in colors I didn't have, and 8 mini skeins approx. 70 yards each. Then a zip lock bag of odds and sods, balls that were more than needed for her project. But perfect for me, and the colour work I do. Thank you Mary-ann.
The pkg. from the brother and SIL from VA was also a real bonus, 2 Bruce Springsteen CD's and a 2 lb bag of AllSorts licrorice candy. Had Bruce on the stereo and AllSorts for breakfast. About the only candy I like. Got a good 18 inches of snow on the 22nd, and several inches more since. Troy plowed my driveway yesterday with the big John Deere. In the mess on the 22nd the propane truck came down the driveway, first deleivery since December, 2020, needless to say I was delighted to see the truck. Have finished the first sock of second pair going to Kaslo, BC. Started second sock straight away.
Then needing two 16 inch #2.25 needles that were tied up in a pair I started last March went ahead and finished that sock as well.
Right into an arctic outflow -23° celsius this morning (10° below zero F), with coldest predicted for tomorrow night -38° C (36° below zero F). I even completely shut my bedroom window.


  1. Merry Christmas!!! Please show us some pictures of your winter scenery?

  2. A very Merry Christmas to you, Lynne. I am glad you will enjoy the selection.

  3. Hi Lynne, I hope you're well in these strange times, and that life is good since you last posted. I enjoy your blog, the socks are always so lovely, and the description of your environment always leaves me wishing you would tell us even more. Take care and I hope you are enjoying good health and lots of spinning and knitting.
    Eileen K.
    Co. Wex Ireland.


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