
Pix of the socks I have left after several places that I take them for show & tell, will often sell a pair here and there but this year not so much. First choice if she is interested will go to Maggie in NY who wears her socks to school with clogs to show off to her kids.

Neighbor just in to see about his cow, as soon as she saw him she headed for the river to cross to her side, Troy said river now has anchor ice so she may not be as eager to cross again. I prolly have a couple of hundred pounds of organic fertilizer scattered about in my yard. Will give the crows next spring something to do turning cow pies over to see what interesting bugs are underneath.


  1. I so much want to knit monster socks but I'm so up tight about it I never have the confidence to start. Yours are always beyond beautiful.

  2. I would like second pair from the right if they are still available. Love, love, love your socks. Nobody knits anything like them. I love the way the cuffs go so high up on my leg they don't fall down in my boots.

  3. Cowpies are such a good source of fishing worms!!! No wonder the crows like them.


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