More Snow

Guessing that the valley got 16+ inches, some places more and some less, but certainly more than we got ALL of last year. Neighbor to the south (guy that bought the working part of the ranch) just came down the driveway back plowing, so now could get out in an emergency. Now all I need is to find someone to shovel my car loose. Not that I am planning on going anywhere. Temps have been falling since I got up just after 6, was -15°C now its -17°C (2°F), forecast is for -22° (8° below zero) for later today.

Had a cold turkey sandwich for lunch, just mayo nothing else, its been so long since I had turkey forgot how good it is. Enuff of all leftovers for a hot meal for tonight.

Just finished the 2nd red glove, just the ends to deal with, will get a pix later and add it to the blog.

5pm another neighbor Troy came along and cleaned up snow around the car, shoveled the steps, porch and access to car and plowed (with the big John Deere) spaces to turn car around should I go out (not planning on it), -19°C (2below °F) and falling.


  1. oh my gosh - a winter wonderland at your place......bit too cold though......just a bit :-)

  2. I guess we'll be sending those CARE packages by parachute this year!!! You have GOT to get a snow machine. It got cold & windy here last night. It was howling so much I closed the window in my bedroom. They're calling for snow flurries for the next couple of days too. That should paralyze the Lower Mainland nicely!! Stay warm.

  3. At the current -18° riding on a snow machine would likely kill me. Neighbours have plowed me out.


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