
Not very good pix but that is exactly what it looked like outside. Enuff snow (maybe 5+ inches) that Knitting Bee got cancelled, that's OK with me as Tatla Lake is a 20 mile drive and I haven't seen a snow plow come down the valley yet. Will prep kitchen for tomorrows turkey breast supper and knit on 2nd red glove. Since I took the pix snow has really let up, looks like it will soon be quitting.

According to Environment Canada's weather pages temps are due to drop substantially in next 24 hours, down well below zero F, -17°F is the coldest showing up so far, so having oven on to cook turkey and squash will make kitchen feel pretty good.


  1. Looks like a good time to nest indoors and stay off the road - enjoy looking at the snow!

  2. So pretty! Says the one who lives where it mostly just rains...and rains...and rains...

    Stay warm and watch out for slipsies!

  3. Your blog picture reflects our skies. Brrr.


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