My exciting life

Made a run up to the dump yesterday, two bags and a bit of dead produce, once there a man and big machine were working and I couldn't get anywhere near to the pit for dumping the bags in, so left stuff neatly piled on the top near where his pickup was parked. So hopefully when he was finished with the digger he will spot and put it in the appropriate place. So very glad I went yesterday as today has broke out in serious rain. Weather forecast is for the nasty cold front to land on my valley for the next week or so, temps showing at -24°C (-12°F) for Monday night the polar vortex in the future. So when I changed my bed this morning (Sunday morning job) I flipped down comforter so more down would be over my tired ole bones, may even break out bed socks.

Seriously thinking about vegetable soup for today, still have squash, celery, carrots, potatoes, not much but better than nothing. Wish I had cabbage, kale and some spinach but that ain't gonna happen, so maybe will add some cannellini beans and macaroni and call it good.

Finished the 2nd black with reds & oranges sock last night, just the Kitchener st to close the toe and the last few ends to deal with and after 5 months they are done. With lots of good football games on the telly today will start winding Koigu into balls so I can get started on the lots of reds gloves for MG in AZ.

The rain is turning to snow. Making the soup sound even more inviting. And the soup was a success, my idea of minestrone, close anyway. Did end up using a 1 lb. pkg of extra lean ground beef, enuff left for another couple of night suppers.


  1. Maybe it's time to invest in a SECOND quilt!! Brrrrrrrr I'm always happy to have curbside garbage collection! Hope your soup is good. I'm making chili today with lots of beans in it.

  2. What about knitting yor " leftovers" into a garter stith blanket to put over the comforter?

  3. Its my own fault, I like my bedroom cold, comforter if turned is plenty warm enuff to even leave the window open a bit.

  4. I love the window open a crack but it never gets much below -10C here. And I have my Blodgie, the hot water bottle, plus a spouse to keep me warm. You have it much colder up there, Lynne! How lovely to see the snow though. At least for awhile!

  5. Oh my! I love the colours in this pair of socks!! Just getting back on my blog since it as hacked and the hacker put their own page on it and I could not get in. Computer expert, awesome Grandson finally got it straightened out for me. So am catching up on everyone!


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