
Decided to finish anything on needles before starting something new. So far so good. Thought about doing current pair identical but while still on ribbing (before coffee) I didn't count ribbing right so ended up with to many rows of first colour, not wanting to rip back just carried on. Will likely be fraternal since I'm out of more than 2 otheer colours needed.

Got a skiff of snow, barely enuff to cover the dead grass. May end up not having a white Christmas, if that happens will be only 2 or 3 since I've lived here (47 years).

 A neighbour going to town yesterday asked if there was anything I wanted, milk, bread, eggs, spinach and butter will do nicely. Can go back to my favourite breakfast scrambled eggs with spinach on toast. And of course spinach goes nicely in almost all the soups I make. 

 Weather continues unseasonably warm, way milder than usual. Often December is close to being the coldest month. Not complaining, easier on propane. 




  1. Lynne, your socks are always so fun to see. I'm glad you posted them. Have a wonderful and safe holiday.

  2. I would love to try a pair of scrappy socks, but don't know if I want to weave in all those ends. How do you do it? Wait until the end or weave them in as you go?

    1. I knit the ends in as I go along.

  3. Best wishes for more and more wonderful knitting of your ever popular socks.

  4. That is a BEAUTIFUL sock! You are a master. 🥰

  5. Gorgeous socks, & another post….not much or hardly any snow in Ontario around south Georgian Bay….
    Merry Christmas….

  6. "Soft wool hugs feet, keeping warmth in, cold out; comfort." best mens wool socks


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