
Load of laundry, wondering why its taking so long, bingo flood. Cold water didn't quit so over flowed the machine, turned off the cold water intake and then spun water out of machine. Not my idea of a good week.

Meanwhile in the wool room everything seems to be going well. Finished plying the two bobbins of the orange, magenta pink and red bobbins with the plain orange.

Have found all the green roving I own and have it draped across the folding drying rack. Once Tour de Fleece gets started will pick out what I want to spin.

Found a ball of vintage Crown Mountain Farms roving in the colour way called Albatross, while waiting for TdF will spin it to just keep fingers limber.
So far this year have seen two black bears, last year never had one in my yard, so this season is off to a bearly start. Both times the critters were not in a place to get a good pix, black up against dark bushes.


  1. Good to hear from you! I hope you manage to get a photo of one of your bear visitors at some point. Love the orange etc. that you have on the bobbin. It will make a pair of socks pop! My whole life I have heard about how wonderful home ownership is. Now that I am responsible for a home, it seems to me that it can be one long, stressful spending of money. I also had water problems last week, and if I had not been awake and heard it I would have had a very flooded garage. And think I probably need a new roof due to hail damage. Oh well, at least I have a roof over my head and I am thankful for that! Stay safe, and take care, from the hot and sunny South.

  2. Eager to see how that Albatross spins up. It's interesting colors.

  3. Kay stole my comment! haha That Albatross is very interesting but I think it will spin up into a dull yarn. I think it needs the orange or some Granny Apple green to smack it into shape.


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