Monday 1st April

White with lots of odds balls of blue and greens. Second sock into 3rd colour after 18 rows ribbing. Later this morning will put into my knitting bag all the colours that I will likely be using next, this will be my traveling sock. Desert Mesa this weekend in Cache Creek, BC will mostly be spinning but like to have a project while I am having my first cup of coffee  to knit on. Then will be able to leave knitting bag downstairs and not having to carry up the steps.

Just a few small patches of snow left in my yard, will likely be gone in the next day or so. After the so cold winter will be looking for green anything, hopefully dandelions in CC.

Then if all goes according to plans will go down to the coast and take all necessary stuff directly to passport office, hopefully it will work better than the last application.

And I will remember to take my purse with drivers license with me for this trip..


  1. Really like your color combinations on the socks. Desert Mesa, Is that just for Spinners ? Good luck with your passport !


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