
Yesterdays knitting bee saw me working on Vicki's socks, orange with all the bright colours I could find, so far so good. All tho the hot pink doesn't show up against the orange as much as I thought it would. Will have them done in time to take with when I go down to conference in late July, will be seeing Vicki then so can make sure of fit etc.
If anyone is interested a pix of the new Subie Forrester I bought when down at the coast. The car is now officially christened, yesterdays trip to KB saw lots of fresh cow sh** on the roads, impossible to avoid it all.

Temp this morning at just after 6 am was -1.6 ° C, frost, not unusual for early June. And likely again with forecast of 0° showing on environment Canada's forecast page,  prolly means -2° or -3°C in here. Hope not to many gardeners have anything showing up and if the do they can cover the tender new stuff. Even had heat on in the house until sun came in over east mountains.

Have had some rain in the last while enuff so that the vile toad flax in my yard is growing like gang busters. Wish I knew something that would kill it, won't use Roundup and regular weed killer doesn't touch it. Even paid someone to pull loads of it that didn't work either, came right back the next year, roots don't all get pulled and stuff spreads like nothing.


  1. Car looks great!! I'm happy for you, you deserve it. Like the colors of the sock. Do you just grab colors as you go or do you have it all plan out before hand? I've never had any luck with round-up either! Take care!!

    1. I do plan (some) in advance, sometimes it works and sometimes not.


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