What a difference a day makes

Yesterday and 5-6 days before that were hot and clear, really hot for in here. Most unusual for that stretch of +30°C days in a row, never have sweat so much before. Then today rolls in at least 15° cooler so much so that I"m back to wool socks and a long sleeved flannel shirt, and it feels wonderful. But whats really unsettling is the smoke filling the valley, we think its coming from the fire up the Klinaklini river valley. I know my west mountains are still there but only showing a shadow right now, just after noon and I have a bunch of house lights on. Its that dark from the smoke.
The smoke is what drove me out of here last summer when the fires were so much closer, ended up in Prince George for a bit over two weeks where breathing was so much batter. May have to think about heading somewhere where smoke isn't this thick.

Knitting tho continues moving along, about half way down the leg of second Monstersock.  Not exactly a matching pair but then life is to short for matching socks (or so I have been told).

Had a notion to try making small sniglets of left over wool, several piles of leftovers nothing very long so pulled off pieces about 6-8 inches, using two empty laundry baskets, and when I get enuff in will start spinning to make more of the butt ugly yarns I am so fond of.


  1. I could never take all that smoke. I have breathing problems, so that would'nt be good. Don't know how you can stay there. California is really having a lot of fires. They arrested some jerk for setting one of them. I can't believe how some peoples brain works. rather scary. You take care of yourself. Like the idea of mixing all the different colors of yarn. Be nice to see how it turns out.


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