Tuesday 2nd

For the last two plus weeks as soon as I got up opened every window in the house, hoping it would cool down before sun came over east mountain, didn't work. Temps were in mid 30°s C every day. And then today came about was glad to leave windows closed, it felt wonderful to be cool again. And now at just after noon its +17° with thunderman and lightfoot visiting. I am keeping fire phone number right close to phone just in case. Sky now to south west is about as black and ugly looking as it could possibly be.

Current pair of Monstersocks, thought that I would use a solid color in between each of the variegated colors on the leg, but soon forgot, so just used the main color green after two vari colors, then foot is just all vari colors, have enuff left to use on foot so that I will not have used any color twice in whole sock. And of course will switch colors all around on second sock. True Monstersocks using all leftover bits.

Think I'll go and put water on for a second cup of coffee.

Just updated sock pix, did not like the one that had been here, this IMHO is a much better pix. Have ribbing started on sock #2.


  1. It was very hot here too, up to 35 on the worst day. But today it has cooled down here too, and it is such a relief. Hopefully there aren't any fires started by the lightning. You are wise to keep the fire services phone number right by the phone. After last year you must be feeling very nervous every time there's a thunderstorm.

  2. Socks look good. like all the different colors. It seems it's hot every where. There's a lot of forest fires in the different states. I often wonder what's becoming of our country. Smart to keep those telephone numbers handy. Lynne at: crumbcat@outlook.com Take care !!

  3. It has finally cooled down on the Coast too. It was brutal here last week & all my windows in the basement face due West!! No relief once the cement warmed up. The best place to be was on my bed with the oscillating fan going & an audiobook playing or out in the car, frozen, with the a/c on full. I do hope that black cloud is rain . . .


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