Green Monstersocks

Just posted pix of above on Facebook asking peeps if I should do fraternal or almost identical, will go with what majority decides.

Forest fire just west of Alexis Creek, main access to Williams Lake and beyond, road right now is closed, may open in spurts during the day. Detour around by Chilko and other roads adding 12.8 kms (rough road in places). Glad I went in when I did. Well remember in 2010 when road was closed at both ends of hiway 20 (Bella Coola and big fire from Chilko) , literally no way in or out then the scary evacuation notice came down, just a possible and as it turned out wasn't needed but nevertheless scary as all get out.


  1. I love the colours in that sock, Lynne! I vote for fraternal. It is pouring here right now, and has been for hours. Hopefully some of this rain and cooler weather makes it your way.

  2. Summer is now fire season for the Interior. So smoky yesterday you couldn't see down the lake or up in the sky. Yuck!!


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