First time

For the first time since I've lived in Tatlako (39 + years) I made a trip to town just to buy a few groceries, mostly tomatoes. Went in Thursday and stayed overnight with friends then the Williams Lk farmers market was on Friday morning, I was there just a bit before it officially opened so had first choice, the only thing I bought was tomatoes, 20+ lbs, a very happy camper. Then a quick trip thru grocery store, didn't need much, got another rotisserie chicken so supper last night was chicken, tomatoes and beet greens. Brought a few things out for Selma she gave me beet greens, basil, swiss chard. Tonight will be more of the same but will add an ear of corn to mix. Made for very expensive tomatoes but at this stage of my life I don't care, would have been worth the trip at twice the price. Only way to get tomatoes out here is in a green house and just not the same as the real thing grown outside in the dirt, besides I don't have one and if I did would have to heat it quite a bit during June and sometimes July. The tomatoes come from Keremeos down almost to Washington border, perfect growing weather for tomatoes hot sunny Okanangan. Stopped at the rest area at the top of Lee's Hill on the way home and ate one warm and unwashed, best lunch ever. With temps back up to low 30's over the next week or so will be many nights that tomatoes, cottage cheese, maybe a hard boiled egg will be my main meal.

And tonight NFL preseason football gets started, yeehaw.


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