Snow & Travels

Will soon start the clearing off work, first to shovel the snow off back porch, then cleaning off the car, once its started will bring out stuff to load, library books, knitting, kindle (will be able to hook up to WiFi while in Tatla). Heading out for high tea celebration of life for Jen King, the closest thing we had to a real queen in this area.

Finished another pair of Monstersocks last night, the two different whites. Now will move onto a pair of gloves that will be going to Vanc Island when finished.

Will try and buy some salad stuff while in Tatla, not likely I'll have much choice believe I've read that the Graham Inn is closed so will check in at the store to see what they might have. If selection isn't to my liking will eat lots of raw veggies at the celebration of life lunch.

Another couple of new followers to my blog, welcome.


  1. Hi from Upstate New York. I just received my Shepherd's Friend hand creme and it's wonderful. Thanks for the mention in your blog as I'm sure my hands will be in better shape at the end of the winter. Enjoy your trip.


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