Saturday soup

Planning on chicken w/ rice and maybe 1/4 c quinoa, used 2 pieces chicken breast from freezer, the last of the carrots and celery, to make up enuff celery I used a cup of the dehydrated celery from SKirk, will easily have enuff for tonight, tomorrow and maybe even Mondays suppers. Never get tired of soup.

Found a medium sized ball of a creamy white and started on this sock, when time came to get the other full ball I knew I had in the stash found it to be snow white, so what to do. Did about 4 rows of alternating the two whites, not exactly what I had in mind, so will finish and add to my sock box. Pix doesn't show the color change nearly as much as real time. Oh well warm feet is the name of the game.

Snow for most of the morning, quit just after noon, not near what is normal for November, maybe a bit over an inch out there.


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