Paradise Fibers

Successful trip to Paradise Fibers in Spokane even if it was 100+°, got a bunch of solid colored sock yarns, some colors I haven't been able to find anywhere else. Cascade Heritage and at a very good price $12 for 100 g skeins. But man oh man was it hot over there. This ole lady ain't used to stuff like this. Will get pix of the yarn tomorrow. Instead of yarn pix decided to head north and the border today, pix prolly when I get home.

Finished the blue socks and instead of starting anything new went back to the brown scrappers I started in early July. Fist sock is done except for the afterthought heel, 2nd sock just down past contrast yarn for the AtH. Will finish them before I start anything with the new yarn, even tho that is going to be difficult.


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