Off to see the wizard

Heading out in the morning for a bit of a road trip, time to get out and get the stink blowed off as someone I knew used to say. Into Williams Lake tomorrow night and Sat then Sunday will head down to the wet coast. Monday back on the road again to Ellensburg, WA, maybe if its not to hot will go over to Spokane and Paradise Fibers. From there not sure where the road will take me.

Have clothes ready to go into suitcase, knitting ready (more knitting than clothes, whatta surprise), everything into the car in the morning.

Have second blue wild & crazy down to the 4th pattern in the leg, surely do enjoy using all the colors. Briefly thought about taking a spinning wheel but if its hot just one more thing to load and unload. So this trip will just be the knitting.......

Am hoping to find some real tomatoes on the way home, then if that happens will buy cottage cheese and think I'd died and gone to heaven.


  1. Have a great trip! Paradise Fibers is such a fun place to visit. My mom lives in Spokane, so I often go there when I am down visiting.

  2. Have fun, stay safe and good luck on the tomatoes! If we were closer I'd share. I hate those 'plastic' tomatoes from the store.


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