This & That

Finished another pair of socks last evening, watched the 6 pm news and shagged all the inside bits, that took near as long as making most of the sock, must remember to use fewer bits (yeah right as if that is ever gonna happen). Then later started another pair of denim blues, only got maybe 5 rows of the top ribbing done before it was time to hit the hay.

Pix from the Williams Lake spin in, long line of spinning wheels and checking out skills at pix taking.

Appointment Friday to see surgeon, will just be a consultation this time, will have to make another trip if he thinks gall bladder removal is necessary, oh well at least I'll get to stock up on more produce and fruit. L will go in with me, and can drive home if I am to tired or feeling punk.

Got in my 45 minutes at the spinning wheel already this morning, thought I would just sample the merino and then spin it for the Tour de Fleece, NOT gonna happen, just kept right on with it. So will have to find something else for the TdF.

Thanks to everyone for following my blog, old blog had well over 140 followers, have quite a way to go to catch up. Write it and they will come.


  1. Love those socks, you keep inspiring me that some day i will make something that pretty. Good luck on the surgery, make sure you keep us up to date Please Donna in NJ

  2. So love the socks with the black and the bright colors, think I have your new blog on my list, hope it stays!!

  3. Outstanding color work on the newest socks! Love 'em!


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