Winter Projects

 Winter so  far  has  been relatively  mild, no arctic air yet  and very  little snow.  Think maybe  3-4 inches in total  so far.

I  have finished a  load of stuff,  Fatties,  Monster Socks, bed socks and two  pair  patterned and  have more  on the needles.  

Even tho its been  mild  I  stay  home and indoors, have a great fear of failing on slippery  surfaces. Even with ice cleats on my  boots and the ice spike  on my cane.

Really  enjoyed the World Junior hockey  games this winter,  this  time from  Ottawa,  Ontario so not to bad for time differences.  Next year in  Minnesota so time  will  be even  better. Canada  got  booted  out  early, I don't think from what  little  I  know  that they  brought  their  best players,  USA ended up  with  the  gold  medals, no  surprise there..

First  pix  is the  Fatties  two strands  of sock  yarn  knit together,  started with  a  new ball of (not much  colour)  Opal then  knit with all the bits of other  yarns with lots  of colour, hoping to finish  off most  of the  bits.

Then  the much more difficult  patterned  socks  (both  are fraternal),  arthritic  hands don't like them so  much, the dark  pr are going to  Princeton, BC  as soon as I can get to the post  office.

The three pair of bed socks.

And last the Monstersocks  aka  Scrappers.  The  pair still on the needles were started Christmas day and I should finish it yet today.

Got some  sock yarn from Mary-anne Smith after the PO strike was  over,  and she included a bunch  of mini  skeins of her famous sock yarn and some Christmas bling ...

 I'm  having  a  terrible  time  with repeating  letters and  space  bar issues  on  my  vintage laptop, when  my brother was here he tried to repair the problem and  couldn't do it.  So as soon  as I  can get to  a Mac store will replace.


  1. Great looking socks as usual. I do admire the bed socks. I actually never thought of short socks for sleeping in. I often sleep in socks and rip them off halfway through the night because they are too tall and bug me. Will have to try short ones and a little less snug. Not supposed to be cold enough for bed socks here anyway; I live in central Texas! And we had a low of 28 last night and more to come tonight. I realize that's not super cold to you but for us it's extreme. Hope your winter continues to be mild. By the way I have quite a lot of small sock yarn balls that I keep planning to use but never do. If you ever run low on sock yarn scraps please let me know and I will fix you up.

  2. Beautiful socks! I really like the fatties. You have had less snow this season than we have down here in
    Wisconsin. TV this morning said Madison has had about 9". I live about 75 miles SW of Madison and we haven't had much snow at all, but It's been cold and windy. The ski resorts are having to make snow.
    I make a lot of socks, but am working on a sweater right now. Finished a pair of socks on the weekend, and planning the next pair. I like to have a small and bigger project going all the time. Enjoy the winter!

  3. Try Voltaren on your hands. I slather it on at night and pout gloves over it so I don't get it on sheets. Heps

    arthritis. Love your socks

  4. Always like your posts and admire your products. Sunny Saskatchewan today...from -30 c to +2 in 24 hours. Cedar waxwings a sign of optimism.

  5. Thanks for posting, I love seeing all your beautiful socks! Happy 2025!

  6. Wow you've been busy! I especially like the "fatties." A different vibe than your other things. Here in Maryland it seems we've gotten your weather so that what snow we weren't able to clear is now more iceberg. Luckily our two pro football teams are currently in the playoffs and Alex Ovechkin is chasing a record so plenty of things to watch while knitting. I'm going big and finishing some blanket projects, which has the added benefit of keeping one warm while progressing on the project.

  7. I always love Scrap Socks!! And I love the Red socks as well - Red & Purple are still my favs!! Not much ice & no snow in my corner of Surrey - we usually get the really big dump in February, usually in time for Valentine's Day, if we get any at all these days.
    Sharon in Surrey

  8. Stopping by to see how you’re doing now that winter is really settling in. Hope all is well, knit as your hands allow.

  9. Hoping you are well, warm and able to knit each day.


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