No Excuse

Just lazy I guess. Since I last wrote I did finished the blue pair going to Quesnel and started the second pr also going to Q.
Last Christmas time I recieved a leather bag in the mail from an anonymous source, never did find out who sent it, and a week ago a second bag arrived also from an uknown source, different from the first. Its extra large and will make an excellent overnight bag.
I did get to the October Nicola Valley Spin In, held in Merritt, BC. Was a very good time especially getting to see my BC family. Roomed with Gail and Vicki, in a way to small room at the Comfort Inn in Merritt. When we do it again in May will make sure I get a bigger room with more than two double beds. Didn't know my pix was underway.
Not much else worth writing about. Winter is on its way and I'm well stocked on yarn, groceries and such. Produce is about all I wish for.


  1. I was really worried about you. Glad to know you are o.k. and still knitting and spinning.

  2. Good to hear from you again. Was beginning to think that you were on a very long trip or not feeling well.
    Glad you are still getting out while the weather is good for travel. We are celebrating Thanksgiving today in the U.S. and are having a beautiful day - beautiful blue sky and 40 degrees F. I'm thankful for so many things
    including knitters like you that I follow on line.

  3. Beautiful blue socks. Nice to read from you again.

  4. So good to hear from you! The socks are beautiful.

  5. Happy to hear you are O.K.

  6. Lovely socks. And bag. Wet and windy here, although light snow is forecast.

  7. Nice to see you're still hale & healthy. Wondered a bit when you 'disappeared' - so many bloggers are just signing off after years of writing. Your latest socks are really nice - love that shade of blue! What a great bag!!! How are the bears this year, have they finally gone to bed???

  8. Beautiful blue socks. Nice to read from you again. best winter socks men


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