
I am way behind in dealing with and answering my emails and updating my blog, things sorta on a downhill slide since Christmas. Christmas Day the power went out 7:30 pm at -33°C no power not much heat. Baseboard heaters in crawl space didn’t like that at all, ended up with frozen water line. Fortunately I had enuff water in storage that I was OK for drinking, but no water for showers, flushing or dishes. Power didn’t come on until 3:30 pm on Sunday 26th. I didn’t freeze but came close, had silk long handles on, long sleeve shirt, flannel shirt over top and then a fleece line jacket. Plus of course wool socks and fingerless gloves. 27th was coldest night of the winter so far at -38°C, winter not 3 weeks old and I’m ready to see the end of it. Plus on top of all the cold we’ve had loads of snow, prolly in the 3 + foot range.Yesterdays temps above freezing, today so far more of the same, Chinook weather. Lotsa football on the telly this weekend so hope to get to the heel on the sock, 3 more pair in the queue. Staying home and away from peoples, not interested in getting close to anyone with Covid. Lots of knitting time, second sock going to Kaslo is about half way down the leg, soon to start the fourth pattern. Some places in my yard the snow is piled almost 5 feet high, will still have small piles mid May.


  1. Glad you didn't freeze and that you had water. I hope your football teams all win.

  2. Oh my goodness, I am also so glad you survived. I am a little shook reading your story. I was in Texas last winter when we lost power and then water in a freeze and it was very scary. Sending you warm wishes.

  3. So happy you got through that horrible outage safe and sound. I don't know i'd be able to cope. We have a lot of power and water outages here, but our weather is not as fierce. Take care.


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