
More sock stuff. Seems as tho I will always have one or more pair of socks on my needles. Even tho I say I'll do something different when a pair is finished I wake up in the morning and find another pair started, either it was to late at night and I don't remember starting them or the little people (fairies) cast on for me. Finished the pair with black heels and toes, had to wait until bright sunshine to see the stitches to be picked up on the heel flap,
The pinky socks are in a mailing bag ready to go to their new home in Fernie, pix taken after they were washed and on blockers for pix taking. The hot pink pair beside them aren't spoken for yet.
Yesterday I washed 13 pair of my socks as well as the hot pink and pinky pairs. With the nasty arctic air am wearing a pair every day. I find that my socks last so much longer than friends that put them in their dryers, have never had a dryer (since living in BC 43 years) the $2 folding wooden rack (garage sale) works just great, anything on it under the ceiling fan dries quickly.

Back now to what are normal winter temps, seems as tho the -20's C is gone for now, am sure it will rear its ugly head again before spring breaks.

Eli has another pair of new socks, trading kids socks for a run to the dump works well. I don't mind taking my own garbage when it bare and dry but snowy icy conditions scare me. Had a dream once that I slipped and slid into the dump, then along came Jo with two grands that takes my stuff for socks for her grands.. Slick trading.


  1. Your socks are so pretty. I still love the black ones, but know what you mean with the black being hard to see. I have the same problem. Glad your temp has finally come up. Never thought the dryer would make a different, but it makes a lot of sense. Take care !

  2. Beautiful socks. I love seeing all your socks on the drying rack.


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