The last sock yarn buys

The last of purchased sock yarn for this year. Bought most of above in 2018 and have promised myself not to buy any in 2019. Barter or freebies is another story. Have a pair promised using one of the oranges and likely some of the lime green, customer wants wild.

Not much going on in my wild mountain valley, very little snow left, but lots of ice. The 2 + feet we had in January melted due to above normal temp and several days of rain. Planning on having a go at my driveway tomorrow, knitting bee and the monthly good food box will be in Tatla Lake. Will be my first trip out of the house in a couple of weeks. That's one of the reasons I've been so quiet, nothing going on to find anything out.

Finished second pair of socks for Jo's grandson Eli, will pass them over on Friday when she comes to pick up goodies for a dump run.
Now back to socks for Gayle in Fernie,  pix last blog. Pale pink is main colour.

Cooked a largish butternut squash a couple of days ago, ate about 1/4 now blended with chicken broth and made into soup, last night and tonight should finish it off. One of my better batches.


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