Long quiet spell

With nothing to write about I tend to stay silent, very little happening in my very quiet world.

Did get to Tatla on Wednesday for KB and to pick up Good Food box, for $20 I ended up with twice that much in fruit and vegetables, included this time was a huge cauliflower, broccoli, garlic, onions, turnip, romaine, roma tomatoes, zucchini, oranges, pears and bananas, I enjoy everything but the bananas, trade them to CP.

Brought the extra Opal with me to give to Christine to try and sell and Christmas sale in Tatla on the 24th, I won't be able to make it. Have company coming and a football game I don't want to miss, Michigan plays Ohoho state and as a super fan of MI sure hope then can get the job done this year.

Finished the lime green-y socks some time ago and now knitting on first sock of the reds-pinks etc.

As soon as this pair is finished will move onto a wild orange pair for Vicki. Asked her which orange she preferred and she left it up to me to decide. Will lay out all the other colours with each of the 3 and then decide.

So far see no difference on the Eliquis, benefits include to be able to eat my so loved dark greens again. Have had a largish salad every night since getting food box last Wednesday. Even baked some garlic when I had the oven on for baked potato.


  1. Like the different orange colored yarns. I never think to use orange, but looking at those colors maybe I will. The socks came out nice. What a great food box you got. I'm sure you are enjoying that a lot. Have you had any more snow storms? We just had snow turned to rain. Didn't last, thank goodness. You take care !!

  2. Your sox are always such fun - love all the colors - would brighten up any winter day wearing them!

  3. Love the socks! I am an orange fan, and am currently spinning some fiber I dyed with 3 different oranges, applied casually to the fiber, so no striping, just orange.

    A good friend is from Michigan, and an avid fan. We will be rooting for Michigan as well, although I probably won't watch the game. My father raised a basketball fan, who would also listen to Red Sox games on the radio with him.

    Glad to hear the med change is working so you can eat more of your favorite foods!

    1. I'm a pink fan so I love the pink socks - although - that orange is pretty yummy!! They wouldn't go with a single thing I own but I'd wear all those skeins made up as socks anyway! Woot woot I hope your team wins because I know how much you like football - I prefer baseball.
      Haven't done an inch of spinning this year but I've been knitting socks like mad - short, wild socks that come about 3 inches above my ankle. And touques for charity again. Gave them up for a year or two but all this acrylic has to go somewhere so I'm back at it. Black, brown & grey are the hot colors on the street although I can get away with dark green in a pinch. They will not wear orange, yellow, red or pink even when they're freezing in a snow storm!!! But, they will take a blanket in any color so it all gets used up eventually.
      Not a hellova lot going on in my world either although I'm following 20 years of Time Team on YouTube. All about Archaeology in Britain - team is a mixture of archaeologists/historians who have 3 days to dig a place, thing, culture etc

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