This & That

Socks that had been in time out while I finished socks for Andrea are back in the game, turned the heel last night (while watching hockey) this morning down the decreases for the gusset. All leftover bits of Regia Kaffee Fassett from other socks, have already used up 2 smaller balls (colors I will miss further down the foot).

 Then to use up more handspun from the ever increasing stash I bought the pattern for Stephen West's Penguono. As of right now thinking I'll use several blues (variegated) and a few blue green mixes, think I prolly have enuff handspun on hand to make almost everyone I know the jacket. Will be awhile before I can get to it still have a couple of sock orders to do, then will nicely refuse any more orders for some time.

Still getting frost most mornings, -1° this morning at 6:30 am, up early again as stupid nesting geese did a fly by and with bedroom window open can hear them just fine. The little peninsula that they usually have their nest on is currently under water so nest is moved back higher up the bank, can see it with binoculars, not stupid enuff to try and get to close.



  1. Great socks as always! That jacket looks like it will be fun to make. You should be able to come up with a way more colourful version than the one in the photo, given all the lovely yarn you have spun.

  2. Love the socks! I just checked out the jacket pattern, and it looks like a lot of fun to knit. I saw a Ravelry project where someone had knit it basically all in natural--I can't imagine doing all the separate sections just to make a solid color sweater. It will be fun to see what colors you use for yours!

  3. Ooooo - I DO like the darker socks!! Usually I'm the wild, bright sock lover but those are quite yummy. And a Stephen West jacket??? Wow - you will be looking wild & crazy in that!! I have to confess to buying one of his huge shawls/scarves for myself just because it's so weird.


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