To much snow

Started snowing during the night Saturday and was still coming down heavy till 10 am Sunday, well over 18 inches , maybe even 20. Today 1:30ish Troy came with big John Deere tractor opened my driveway and then shoveled porch and steps, told him not to bother cleaning car off, figuring it will melt sooner or later.

Further up the valley they only got 8 inches or so and Tatla hardly anything.

I have a ham bone thawing and will make bean soup tomorrow, using cannelli beans. Will make enuff for several meals and lunches. Lots of celery, carrots and onions.


  1. That is a lot of snow! Definitely a good time to have soup and do some spinning.

  2. WOW! Yes you have snow! We have had warm winds lately so our snow has melted a bit and now we are dealing with ice. Stay warm!


  3. Wow. I think you got our snow as well as your own!! We got high wind & so much rain that everything is swampy but the pavement. I think I'd rather have it in liquid form than solid, even though yours is prettier. Enjoy the soup!

  4. And to think that life as we know it came to a stand-still here in North Carolina last week when we had less than 2 inches of the white stuff! I do admire Canadian fortitude. Happy knitting, and the soup sounds delish!

  5. Phew, that is a lot of snow. We're having just more rain here in Seattle. January is proving to be a long month.


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