
Got home yesterday 3pm from Desert Mesa and Whidbey trips. Dorian came via school bus and had car unloaded in about 5 minutes,got perishables put away and planned on doing the rest when I got home from today's knitting bee, but instead fell and whacked my head and arm, head bled some and arm just a bit. Ruth (nurse) from Tatla came down, helped me getup, then cleaned and steri stripped the head. Stupid on my falling, didn't even trip over anything.

Desert Mesa as usual was a good time, only purchase was a new to me electric plying wheel will nicely sit on one of my folding tables.
Same for Whidbey, friend Val came Saturday and brought me one of the folding wagons,sure made it easier getting everything into spinning room. Pix of plying wheel tomorrow.


  1. Oh dear. Hope you're feeling better today. Not a very nice welcome home. I'm glad you're back posting.

  2. Oh Lynn, how terrible about the fall. I'm so glad a nurse was able to come help you. I hope you're doing better today.

    I finally succumbed to one of those folding wagons just a couple days ago. I need to think of many reasons to use it since I felt the need to buy it........and now to store it.

  3. Hi Lynn , glad you got back home with all your toys and really glad to hear that Desert Mesa was good fun. It was so good to see you at Whidbey even though it was a short time. Dog gone it though not very happy to hear about your fall, glad the nurse was able to get in to help you and I hope that you are feeling better soon. Really glad that the wagon is working out too I am definately happy with mine. I just keep it in the back of the car. Its really going to be useful this summer.

  4. Sorry about your fall and hope you're feeling better now! Sounds like a fun trip overall, and looking forward to seeing photos soon.

  5. Thank goodness there's a nurse nearby who could come patch you up. Falls are never a good thing, but even worse when you're on blood thinners. Have fun with that electric plying wheel. That should free up more time for spinning. It was great seeing you when you were down here.

  6. I've fallen myself lately and could swear it was over nothing but air. Great that the nurse could come right away and check you out. When you are settled in, could you take a picture of that folding wagon and tell us the brand? We're thinking it might be just the thing for us too. I know they must have them on Amazon. Since you and I both have a Subaru - the brand of the one you got would surely fit in ours. Take it easy for a couple of days, eh?


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