Spring ? ? ?

-11° C for the first day of spring. But at least it didn't snow.

The 2nd bobbin of the vintage roving from Reflection Farms is about 1/4 done, this bag had more blues along with patches of greens, think once its plied with the mostly green first bobbin that I will really like it.

A little over a month ago Christine started on this sweater, the yarn is all my handspun and the design her own, I think she did an incredible job especially since she doesn't use any pattern. I also got her addicted to making socks, she really did well with the Fatties from the Monstersock group, think she has now done 5 or 6 pair.

And I am still knitting (as hands allow) on Kristie's socks, pattern knitting when I have to use both hands seems to be the most troublesome. I will persevere tho and get them done.

I saw DR Rob in Tatla on Thursday and he has started the ball rolling on getting hip replacement for me, consultation with surgeon in Kamloops will prolly take 2-3 months or more then likely as much as 6 more months before the surgery. Hey this is BC where hurry up and wait is the name of the game. BUT when its done it won't cost me anything.


  1. Spring has definitely arrived here, with plenty of rain to accompany it. I hope the weather cooperates next week so you are able to make it down south. I love the socks! :-)

  2. I usually have to wait 3-4 months for an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon here in the USA, so it's not much quicker here! Enjoy your free hip when you get it!


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