Gimpier hip

Don't know what I did to make hip much worse nearly two weeks ago now, from 3 out of 10 for pain it suddenly jumped to 9 out of 10. Enuff so that I saw Dr Rob in Tatla knowing now where this was leading, he sent me for X Rays into Williams Lake, next will be a consult with surgeon in Kamloops (maybe a bit sooner than 2 months) then hip replacement maybe in another 2 months. So am so far behind on laundry, etc that I will soon have to bite the bullet and just wash what ever (mixed colors). Oh well guess it could be worse. Have a prescript for pain so far have only taken 1 that was the day I got home from town and made 3 or 4 trips up the steps into the house with perishables. Now getting to cold at night to leave anything in the car (had squash, zucchinis and swiss chard. Have had several mornings that Tatlako was coldest spot in BC right at that hour.

I am at least still able to spin, just finished the second bobbin of a variegated green mix. Think its merino, but bought it a long time ago so not positive.

Not much else going on in my wild mountain valley. Expecting deer hunters once day time highs are cold enuff to haul whatever they kill back to home area. Saw 9 deer (all does) on last trip to town, bucks prolly have moved to higher country for now, don't know how they know that season is open. Today is week 2 in college football games, will watch Michigan play Central Fla., knitting on current socks.


  1. Hope it all progresses well for you. My friends at church who have had hip replacements recently have had amazingly quick recoveries. It's due to a new technique that doesn't cut as much muscle in the process.

  2. Good luck with the hip. My husband is limping rapidly toward that same thing. I myself got a new knee two years ago and the dr. said hips are much easier than knees. I hope this is so as my knee was a breeze.


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