Selling handspun

The variegated green merino-silk mix from July 13, I recently was offered $20 for the whole shooting match, just about choked on my coffee. 460 yards and probably cost me a whole lot more than offered price. Was very polite and explained that it wasn't for sale, and if it was likely would be 4 times (or more) the offered price.

This morning dedicated time to finish plying the fiber from DiCentra, Have been plying in 15 minute increments and this morning I knew it was going to be closer to 45 minutes but wanted it done. One bobbin had quite a bit on it when the smaller one ran out so grabbed another leftover bit of a way different color and had at it. Surprised at how much I like it, guess I am learning (slowly) that handspun of almost any color works well together. So I now have 5 empty bobbins and as soon as whats on plied bobbins is into skeins will have at more plying. Found if I do it slowly I can still walk at the end of the day.

Pix shows the 2 different colors over top of the DiCentra yarn, 2nd pix are the two bobbins of the DC singles.


  1. Some people just have no idea how much time goes into spinning yarn. I get asked all the time if I'd spin someone's dog or cat's hair - I try to explain how much handspun yarn would cost and then go on to say spinning a pet's hair is a labor of love - no chance I'd do it for hire.


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