Spinning wheel stuff

I had a Louet S 71 without a drive band, and its been forever since I changed to a new one. Not remembering how to do it I wrote to the Louet forum and had 2 quick responses, the plastic bearing cover had to removed then the back piece with the knob loosened enuff to get the new belt in place. I did just as the gals said and bingo the S 71 is now usable again. First thing I did was to use it for plying some variegated greens.

Feeling better finally from the effects of the cold I even got out the S 90 from its travel case and got it set up ready to spin more of the mixed reds. Cold really slammed me this time and just as I am feeling better the cottonwood fluff is starting to fly, that doesn't agree with me for sure.

Monday will call Susan's Fiber shop in Wisconsin and see if they can make me a new belt for the electric (homemade) wheel) last one I got was from them, must be 10+ years ago. This time if they can do so will order 3.

Had the last of my box of mixed organic greens in a large salad about 4:30 ish, and now feel hungry but will resist and wait until morning for breakfast.

A new follower welcome.


  1. I smiled when I read this post, Lynne. You are the only person I know who could set up multiple spinning wheels so they could be working on different colours on each of the wheels. :-)

    Glad to hear you are getting over your cold. I know of many people who have had this recent one and it seems to be especially nasty. I have the same problem with the cottonwood fluff.


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