This and That

Knitting bee last Wednesday 9th, stayed until just after lunch then left for town. Stopped first at Wally World for a few things that I can't get anywhere else, then into town where first stop was at Speedy Pete's for an oil change and car wash, then dropped inc tax stuff at accountants, paid a few bills at the bank, got a cup of coffee at Timo's and headed up to Denise's place. First trip into town on my own since I was on the way home from Desert Mesa the first week of November last year. Then first thing Thursday morning got into SaveOn for a grocery order, lots of produce. Lucas came from school bus to unload groceries from car, once I knew he was available to help bought a few more containers of juice and several Clamato, heavy stuff. Overall I think I did OK, didn't feel tired until Friday, then even got in an early afternoon nap. Knitting bee again today and have made Lemon Squares to take.

Posted a pix of my latest socks on the Addicted to Sock Knitting group on Ravelry and had well over 300 likes, blew me away. Jean Miles posted an update on me on her blog and have had readers show up from Poland, Bhutan, Romania, Ireland, France, Netherlands, and 12 as of this morning readers from the UK. Will stop at Tatlako PO before heading to KB to mail Tammy's socks to NC. Keeping fingers crossed that she likes them and they fit.

Bought a rotisserie chicken from SaveOn on Thursday, had at least 4 meals from it along with big salads, then Monday boiled carcass, (not terribly fond of dark meat, so legs and thighs were meant for soup) and made my first batch of chicken with rice soup. Was a delight, ended up with at least 6 meals from the one chicken.

Cut my left hand thumb yesterday, first cut since I've been on the blood thinning Warfarin, and I was a bleeder before I started the W, thumb bled for quite a while, ice and pressure finally had it quit. Band Aid for overnight and glad I did so as must have bumped it in the night and it bled a bit more. Seems OK now, Polysporin and another band aid which of course bothers my knitting.

Selfie (dreadful) with neck scarf made for me by Karen Bonter. Silk with beads, love it.


  1. Good to hear from you, Lynne! You can make one chicken go farther than anyone I know...and the scarf looks lovely.

  2. I am too amazed at the good sounding meals you get from your meat and produce. The scarf looks lovely on you!

  3. It must seem great to be back to your normal activities, Lynne. Those rotisserie chickens make the best chicken soup! I'm guessing your fridge is stuffed with all the produce you picked up. Hopefully your thumb heals quickly.


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