More snow then freezing rain

Got out to Knitting Bee yesterday, glad it wasn't today with the snow and possibility of freezing rain early afternoon. Just about tired of winter, seems like it been particularly hard this year dealing with not being able to get to town for groceries, Williams Lake has been hammered with even more snow than what we have had and roads have been a nightmare. So would rather do without than drive 3 hours with white knuckles. Not about to run out of food just the things I crave this time of year like salads, fruit, fresh veggies etc.

Got a pix of baby wearing the 2nd pair of socks, trading a run to the dump with my goodies on board with the babies grandmother, slick. I don't mind the trip myself when the snow and ice are gone and will go back to doing it as soon as that happens. Have two more pair waiting, reds with a seed stitch leg and a pair with pastel colors.

Stopped on the way home from KB and picked up 4 loaves of w/w bread, each loaf must weight close to 2 pounds, enuff bread to last me close to a month. Then ordered 6 more but what she calls artisan bread, half w/w, so should be good for a long time. My favorite is a bread from SaveOn in Wms Lk called Great Plains but not looking like I'll be getting any of that for some time.

Have on a wool sweater even as I add the pix to the blog, can't imagine living here without my woolies, especially socks.


  1. I mostly wear hand knit wool socks every day in the winter. That is a lucky baby to get to wear socks that you have knitted! Stay warm and maybe spring will be here soon.

  2. What a cute button for National Sweater Day! I hadn't seen that one.

    I kind of missed it this year because it was 14C in Vancouver and even though my house was 17C, I wasn't cold enough to put on a sweater! Of course I was KNITTING a sweater anyway. ;)


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