Pineapple Express

20 inches of snow and then it rained last night (and still is) = a mell of a hess. No doubt my driveway will either be ice or mud, given my choice I'd choose the mud. Just getting light enuff out now to see about 50% + of the snow is gone. Exciting times in my wild mountain valley.

Pix of the last 2 pair of fingerless gloves and the gloves for MG in AZ, one more pair of fingerless on needles now and then am going to have to take a break for awhile and let my left hand simmer down, osteoarthritis in thumb and forefinger makes knitting anything extremely uncomfortable, will use heat and ice and hope it calms down right soon. Its going to be hard not sitting in the evening without my knitting, will instead try and read on either the iPad or Kindle, which ever is easy to hold.

Christmas package arrived from the brother and wife in VA, box is damaged, tape holding bottom together is pretty much undone, tape on sides is all that is holding it tog. Will wait until Christmas to open, that and the pkg from Gail I picked up at Desert Mesa looks like Christmas in my house. And right now as hard as it is raining may not even have a white Christmas.

With the holiday season comes the World Junior hockey championship games, almost the best part of the season IMHO. Then followed by the 5th season of Downton Abbey on January 4th.

Welcome to the last 4 or so new followers.

Life is good.


  1. I suspect it's beautiful in your valley during spring & summer. We live in the Pacific Northwest for the wonders of spring & summer, not the wet & gloomy winters.

    When I have to give knitting a break I work jigsaw puzzles on my iPad & IPhone. I'm addicted.

    How do you keep from getting sleepy while you're knitting?

    1. Only time I get sleepy while knitting is if I try and stay up to late to finish just a few rows or a couple of fingers on gloves etc.

  2. I feel for ya, Lynne! I too am not able to knit right now because of the hand surgery. Hoping it improves soon before I go completely bonkers! My game of choice is solitaire played with my left hand...

  3. I'm sorry to hear that your hand is bothering you, Lynne. Have you tried knitting a project on bigger needles? That might not irritate your arthritis, and give you something to do until you can go back to your socks and mitten knitting on the smaller needles. Also, have you tried hand and finger stretches? I hurt my hand knitting a doll a couple years ago, and it didn't improve until I started faithfully doing some stretching.

    The Pineapple Express is here in all its glory. Two days ago it got up to 15 C! Unheard of for December. And, of course, those high temperatures have been accompanied by buckets of rain.

    1. As soon as I finish current fingerless gloves will take a break from tiny needles for awhile. A good friend is a retired physio therapist and has given me things to do, main thing is to keep doing something, so I do stretching exercises half a dozen times a day etc.


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