This & That

Finished first glove of pair for Gudie and it was a bust, did to much patterning in fingers and they are way to tight. I can get the glove on but it takes to much effort so I know that it won't fly. So glove #2 well underway, this time main part of glove just as wild & crazy but fingers are from either variegated yarn or solid colored, no pattern tweaks. Much more comfortable IMO. So have just two fingers left to do, forefinger and thumb, then will do #3 and see if that is going to be a pair. Not sure yet what I will do with #1, maybe to keep to remind me that its easy to screw up, and that I don't know as much about knitting gloves as I thought I did.

Discovered a quick way to lose 5 lb. eat the wrong foods and then get sick enuff that I was violently throwing up all day Friday. Once that was over with and being really cautious on Saturday (toast with a bit of honey on stayed down), think everything is back to normal. I know what I ate that was the guilty culprit so will avoid same from now on.

Now that football season is underway will certainly have more time for knitting, with games on Thursday thru Monday can always find one I want to watch, and with my favorites being the college games mostly on Saturday will feel like I should crank out the knee socks for Gudie next.

Frost last night, temp showed a tad bit above when I got up just after 6am but frost on car was a fer sure. And I love it, much easier to just slip on a woolie sweater to be comfortable instead of sweating and finding no way to cool down, even went to the river a couple of times and sat down clothes & all, but that is almost like an ice water bath. Much prefer the slow crawl into fall.

Yarn bombing on a bridge.


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